EUROPEAN Markets Coming Back On Track

EUROPEAN Markets Coming Back On Track

CORONA Virus had attacked the world in a very dangerous way and the worst affected part is the Countries from Europe like the USA, Italy, etc. By which the European Markets had been hit the most and shares are all in Loss.

But, there is always a Sunrise after a Night and the same happened. As European Countries started to case the restrictions and markets started to gain a crowd. Last two days the European shares had also gone up and will be going up at June end as predicted by Specialists.

“So it is good time to Invest in European Stocks as they will go up as per the Specialists.”

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Travel Bubble

New Pact Of Business-TRAVEL BUBBLE Clears All The Conflict

Travel Bubble which is making a lot of news both in print media as well as in electronic media. It all started on 15th May when the Baltic Nations Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania started what is being referred to as Travel Bubble.

So the travel bubble implies when two or more Countries come together and drawn Imaginary Boundary Around Them. The basic criteria behind the starting of this bubble is to help their economy get back on track post Covid-19 LockDown. In this travel bubble, travel is free within boundaries, Citizen of these countries can freely move around these boundaries. This is also known as Travel Corridor.

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (Baltic Countries) decided to create this bubble. These countries have decided to open up International Trade and Travelling among these countries and because of this the residents of this country travel freely by Air/Rail/Sea without any quarantine measures. Since the start of this virus these 3 countries have been largely successful in containing the spread of this virus. Together there are less than 4500 cases.

So this is the underline principle & era behind creating a travel bubble. This travel is only available to the residents of the country so what happens to anyone who not belong to this country and willing to enter this corridor, yes there is a solution…

For such people who wanted to enter in such scenario have to go into first 14 days Isolation only then they allow to travel in the zone.

Can This Model Be Implemented In India?

The answer is No, Absolutely Not.! Because a country like India who have large size population (1.2 Billion) become the barrier in this. Unlike smaller country such as Estonia, Latvia which has population comparable to our smaller state such as Goa.

India’s Population and Geographically Border is really big so practically it would take a lot of physical and policy efforts to create a such travel bubble besides this, it is practically impossible to ensure that everyone in the country is screened for Covid-19, So without everyone being screened or tested for CORONA Virus opened up the boundary is really a bad decision.

But we should all agree to the fact that recently India stepped up in the testing rate but still it is one of the lowest in which world. So that’s why this model is not implemented in India recently.!!

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