What is R programming language ?

What is R programming language?

So let’s, first understand the meaning of programming language R ?

This language was developed by Mr Ross Ihaka and Mr Robert Gentleman, who were associated with Department of Statistics with in UoA (University of Auckland). They initial release of R version in August 1993 which allowed statisticians’ students and others users to learn with programming skills which ultimately help in analyzing statistical on complex data analysis and graphical representation. Both the developer kept this language name on their first letter of their name “R”, R-oss and R-obert.

R language includes functioning to support various statistical methods for example

  • Linear Modeling Method,
  • Non-Linear Modeling Method,
  • Classifications Method,
  • Classical Statistics Method,
  • Clustering Method and much more.

This language is more popular among the students cause of its robust features and due to its open source software version. It is free to down-load in terms of Free Software Foundation (FSF) as general public license. This language support and can run on all type of popular operating systems Windows, mac OS & Linux.

R allowed users to use their own syntax, functions and code. In the R environment allows users to combine their individual needs, which may include adding different data set files into a one file of document. Its also allows users to pull out single variable from the data set and by running a regression, single function/code can be used multiple time in R environment.

Present world, the demand of the R language has gradually extend from students to business setups, institutes are also giving training to their students of data analysts, students of who trained on R more favorable in continue using this language rather than pick up a new software or tool with which they have not taken any experienced.

R has built with the standard command-line interface.

Users control this to read data and load it to the language interface, specify commands and achieve desired results.

R environments can be use after thru commands for Arithmetical Operators, that includes +, -, / and *, to more complex functions that act upon the Linear Regressions and more advance calculations. The looping functions are also trendy in the R programming environment.

All the above functions / command allow users to repeat same action without many hassles and in smoother manner. With the loop function, users can pull out the samples from a bigger data set basis the time line set by the user to specific task.

Like every language R also have few Advantage and Dis-advantage in it.

Advantage of R Language:
  • Open source language and free to download,
  • Offers complex data analytics capabilities
  • Active group of communities and users online for support.
  • 25 years old quite mature language.
  • Multiple add-on packages for enhancing the basic functionality
  • users to graphical data representation,
  • Integration with external database systems,
  • Geographically mapping of data and
  • It allows user to use advance level statistical functions.
  • Simplification of coding experience with R Studio

It has a much bigger library of statistical packages – Doing specialized statistical work. R has multiple packages with wide range of statistical tasks by using the CRAN task view.

In the toto we can say R packages also cover all from Psychometrics to the Genetics to Finance.

Disadvantage of R language
  • Utilizes only single-threaded processing system in basic open source version
  • Utilization of one CPU at a time – Slow analyses delivery for a larger data sets
  • Memory based application.
  • All data objects stored only in computers RAM during a given session which is also limit the size of data R is able to work on at one time.
Final word on R

Now days various software service providers have also added their support for R language into their offerings, allowing R to gain a stronger foot prints in the modern Data Analyst structure and big data dominion.

The service providers those offering support to R functions included big giants like IBM,

Microsoft, Oracle, SAS Institute, TIBCO and Tableau. Others small software players are also included R language integration in between their analytics software and the R programming language. There are also R packages available for popular open source big data platforms, including Hadoop and Spark.

It is Gudtoknow that now R language has ability to perform all statistical task,

R is almost unique among all other programming languages available for Data Analyst it is meant for all level of Data Miners.


 Learn how to download and Install R and R Studio

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How to download and Install R

How to download and Install R in computer ?

R is a wonderful powerhouse of open source programming language for statistical and graphical representation of the data sets.  It is totally different among all other programming languages available for Data Analyst, it is meant for all level of Data Miners. R generates graphics that are hugely extensible and are using by giant publications houses.

Users can download and install R in all the operating system including Windows, mac OS & Linux and R has very active and friendly online community.

Steps to download R in computer with windows operating system

  • Basis on your computers Operating System click the download link
  • Click on base and Click on Download R 3.5.1 for Windows (or the new version available)
  • Exe file will start download in the computer
  • Open the download file and install the R with default settings.

What is RStudio

  • Front-end console for R,
  • Scripting window for users
  • Graphical window and an R workspace, among other options.
  • Integrated Development Environment – IDE help users to be more productive.

Steps to download RStudio in computer with windows operating system

  • Download RStudio Desktop version on your Windows computer
  • Open this -> https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/ link in your computer browser.
  • Download the free RStudio Desktop – RStudio 1.1.456 – Windows Vista/7/8/10 or latest version. Refer below screenshot.
  • Exe file (apprx 85 MB) will start download
  • Click on the downloaded exe file to open and install with all default settings

As we see these all have lots of free and open source software, hence it is slightly tricky for installation of all these different programs, more tricky to get them to work perfectly together.

Follow above steps for easy installation instructions – Get everything works fine for you.

Understand RStudio’s

RStudio large Console pane has four portions, left allows users to run R code.

R code can be run by typing directly into the Console pane.

Panes on right side provide related information as you start work with R.

Other two pane Environment and and History right side of the screen. The Our creation in R stored at Environment tab (which R calls objects) as we work with R while History pane tracks all R code that used.

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

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