Being the Prime Minister of New Zealand, she is extremely popular. She is one of the first Women Leader in the history who gave birth in Office. She literally brings her baby to parliament even during the session and also participated in the government session.
During the Covid-19 crisis, the manner in which she handled the crisis is excellent. She has imposed the LockDown early enough and therefore then because of this, New Zealand has just 21 deaths from the Virus and also the number of new cases has now fallen into very negligible levels. She has spoken to the people openly and Answered the Questions of the People and the Press, this shows her Leadership Capabilities and showing she is an Excellent Leader.
That especially in India the representation of women in the Parliament is less than 12%. So this shows that our country is not that much-involving woman in the parliament which is often not good.
Women can be good Political Leader as well also look at her inspite of haven the baby, inspite of being a nursing mother she did not give any excuses rather she lead the Country From Front. This shows her Determination and Will To Do.
We all have to get Inspire and Motivate from her & step out with the Feeling of Kind and show some Helping Nature for our Citizen of the Country during these Crisis.
Women Can Definitely Excell In Whatever Field They Are Given