finance management for startup

11 Useful Tips for Startup Finance Management

Finance Management for Startups is the key to long term success.

In this article, we will read about the tips for finance management for startup.

Financial Management is very necessary for start up and if you have seen yourself as good entrepreneur. In short financial management is just similar to breath for us. It is very important to run your business. There are some financial statements you just have to take care of; Profit and Loss, retained earnings, a balance sheet and cash flow. These steps help in evolving a financial management system.

We all know that finance management for startup is always playing the crucial role when it comes to the long term benefits of small business. If you are the one who is looking for begin the small business, then make sure to be aware of finance management. So, before getting involved into the business completely, make sure to follow some of the tips for your business. Hope they are useful to run your small business.

Here are some tips which will help you to manage finance for your small business. These practical and worthy tips will definitely going to help you to handle your finance in more organised way.

1. Make a difference between business and personal expenses

What brings people to the disaster is there mismanagement of personal and business account and this creates havoc in their business and life. You must separate your personal needs and business budget; it gives you a good data of expenses which you use in the growth of business. Make sure the credit cards and loans for your business do not get used for your personal finances. Also, it will give you a proper account of profit and loss. You will have an idea about tax issues, personal liability and jumbled accounting records.

2. Paying bills on time cuts half of your problem

Paying bills on time is one another issue in small business. Later, it becomes a big problem for you. So it is necessary you take care of your business bills and pay all the bills on time. Because if you are not punctual credit cards and loan payment late fees can cost you heavy, but on the contrary if you do things on time, it saves your business and creates a good reputation of good management.

Take care of your taxes, it is so prominent for vendors unless, you will lose more money than you earned and you will have to pay high penalty. There are some apps which can be your personal assistant, could help you through this; you just need to set a reminder on a particular date. Your reminder will take care of your payments.

3. Make Puritanism a habit

In this technology world where everything has become so easy in just a click and touch of screen, you can keep yourself update and more frequent through on mails. It offers so many well designed equipments and supplies, major equipment secondhand. Contribute something good in this polluted world through opting green to save money on utilities. Make your business better.

4. Negotiate with vendors before signing a contract

Bargain is an art for small business. You must know this art when dealing with vendors or contracting with suppliers, try negotiating for a better crack. Be firm on your decisions because a good business man has this trait, dealing with his some rules such as retribution and about grace periods. Sometimes there is a chance of giving additional 30days to pay which helps to save you more than a 5% discount off the top.

5. Spend some time in an introductory accounting class

Being a small business owner will not turn you automatically make you a pro with money, but your big and small decisions related to your company will decide future of your business. You should know about business accounting when hiring a bookkeeper or work with an accountant. There are many online courses regarding Accounting or there are many colleges regarding Account you may take course and have proper knowledge, take one more step forward. Develop your small business more.

6. Keep travelling costs minimal

Always plan your business trips wisely according to your business. Because luxurious trip, expensive hotels can degrade your business. It will leave bad impression on your employees.

7. Take control of your own marketing and public relations

A good business man takes care of its relationship with customers, because it decides your respect and their faith in your products. You must take care of marketing strategy to make sure efforts are intentional and focused.

8. Do not wait too long before seeking a loan

If, you wait for financial trouble before applying for loans or other then you must take care or be prepared towards these things. Being a business man you never know what will be next on your door. Just think practically, if you are running good business and if you apply for business loan, you will be in good state to pay for your loans. There will be lots of chance you can develop your business more wonderfully. You may use this loan for an emergency case in your business.

9. Confirm once you have enough capital

Small business does not have enough capital to get themselves through the start up phase. You will have to plan accordingly as if you are not receiving any business revenue. To run business for long term you need to be patient and secure enough capital. Make sure to plan for post months and emergency cases.

10. Do not spend prematurely

Sometimes business man what do they spend pre-earning, but this absolutely foolish because it can cause you great issue in your business. Avoid sign writing, marketing materials, cars or inventory before you get any actual revenue.

11. Review your costs

This is an important aspect of running small business with good finance management. Keep update your small business expenses. Reviewing your products time to time, this will definitely bring good luck for your small business and give you good track of your finance management.


Above tips will definitely do something good for your business, your small business will turn into big business. Live your dream by managing finance for your small business.

Also Read : Digital Marketing and Social Media role for Startup

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