pubg launched anti-cheat measures

PUBG Launched Anti-Cheat Measures

PUBG is the mobile gaming app that has taken the world by storm. This app is installed and played by a huge number of people around the globe. It shows that only in medicine and engineering, science & technology even shows constant progress in the CGI and animation field. Recently, PUBG has launched Anti Cheat Features.

PUBG recently updated its existing version of the mobile app and came up with new and enhanced Anti-Cheat Measures. This is done for reducing the quantity of cheater and make the gameplay even fairer. The developers of this game state that the players were earlier able to take advantage of the Spectate Mode by using two devices at a time to pinpoint in-game enemy players and gain an unfair advantage over them. But now they won’t be able to do this thing again with modified new measures.

PUBG Mobile’s official team is totally dedicated to upbringing a fair gaming environment. This is strictly followed by punishing the players who disturb this environment. Through the player feedback, they have recently discovered a new cheat in which one-shot can kill players and then inverts their screen momentarily. The official team immediately went into action and tracked the players who have used this.

PUBG Mobile also uses the updated Spectating System and is aimed to resolve the use of cheating by manipulating the existing Spectate Mode and further improve upon the Spectate Mode to identify and eliminate the suspicious behaviours elsewhere in the game.

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