Soyuz MS-10 Spacecraft Could Not Make It For Russia

On Thursday, Russian Space Agency got disappointed by the unsuccessful Take Off of their Spacecraft ‘Soyuz MS-10’.

On Thursday, Soyuz MS-10, their aircraft carrying two Cosmonaut Aleksey Ovchinin and Nick Hague of NASA to ISS(International Space Station) blown off in the mid-air, with no option left but to go for the emergency landing by the cosmonauts.

The crew man landed safely and unhurt. This craft took off from the launched at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. Footage had been released by the agency showing the safe ejection of both the pilots. The agency on their official account twitter shared incident.

Russian news agency said- “Rescue and search teams are in the air, heading towards the expected touchdown location of Soyuz”

SEE ALSO- Falcon 9, SpaceX and NASA Sent Astronaut To Space.

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Diksha E-portal

Delhi’s New E-Portal – Diksha For Learning

The Corona pandemic has already made many lives to suffer its unknown consequences. Due to this health disaster, the school going students too have been suffering a lot of imbalance and delay in their education. So this E-Portal will help students to carry on their study. The National Capital of India, has launched a good E-Portal known as Delhi’s New E-Portal for learning – Diksha.

Delhi government has now stepped into E-Learning. They are sure that these efforts will bring about wonderful outcomes for their students. They have introduced a portal for the students of Delhi and this E-Portal is called LEAD (learning through e-resources made accessible for Delhi)

Mr. Sisodia said that Lead will be sharing its teaching-learning material on a E-Portal – DIKSHA. “It is a way for us to connect and share our programs and experiences with the entire country. Due to this pandemic, all of the school students have been suffering a lot. This e-portal will help them to carry on with their studies. This scheme is for students of class 1 to 12th. It is good for studying and testing the learning capacity as this portal will provide them with over 10000 instructional materials and courses.

LEAD will make textbooks, study material and courses according to Delhi’s Board (NCERT and CBSE). During the upsurge of the hellish pandemic – COVID19, this new launch in the field of learning is surely a helpful measure taken by the government. It will benefit the students a lot.

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सुपर सोशल मीडिया ऐप – Elyments

भारत में लॉन्च किया गया सुपर सोशल मीडिया ऐपElyments‘.

एलएसी पर चीन और भारत के बीच चल रहे युद्ध पर सरकार ने एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम उठाया है 59 चीनी ऐप्स पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया गया है। इस स्थिति में, सभी को भारत में बने ऐप का इंतज़ार है। आजकल हर कोई मेक इन इंडिया ऐप में बदल रहा है।

इस स्थिति में, सरकार ने भारतीयों के लिए प्रतीक्षा समय समाप्त करते हुए सुपर सोशल मीडिया ऐपElyments‘ लॉन्च कर दिया है। जिसे भारत के उपराष्ट्रपति श्री एम. वेंकैया नायडु. ने खुद इसे जारी किया है। आप इस ऐप को प्ले-स्टोर से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।

आइए जानते हैं इस ऐप की खासियतों के बारे में और यह क्या प्रदान करता है –

  • इस ऐप के जरिए आप ऑडियो और वीडियो कॉल कर सकते हैं।
  • इस एप्लिकेशन को विशेष रूप से विभिन्न विचार-आधारित लोगों के लिए बनाया गया है ताकि वे एक दूसरे के साथ संवाद कर सकें।
  • इस ऐप को भारत में 8 क्षेत्रीय भाषाओं में लॉन्च किया गया है।
  • इस ऐप का मुख्य उद्देश्य सोशल मीडिया ऐप की विशेषताओं को संयोजित करना और इसे एक ऐप में उपलब्ध कराना है।

इस ऐप में विशेषता यह है कि यह उपयोगकर्ताओं की गोपनीयता बनाए रखता है। यह विश्वास है कि इसके माध्यम से भारतीयों का डेटा केवल भारत में ही सुरक्षित और इसे किसी तीसरे भाग या डेवलपर के साथ साझा नहीं किया जाएगा।

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drdo latest launch in iit hyderabad

DRDO Latest Launch in IIT Hyderabad

Science & Technology has always soared great heights. It has been always made possible due to the hard work of Indian Scientists, making India all the more glorious. DRDO Latest Launch in IIT Hyderabad is sure to achieve further magnificent outputs and taking India to much greater heights in the research, innovation and also the Science & Technology sectors.

Since ages, India is blessed with brilliant minded people. These Indian personalities have given the world new dimensions of growth in Science & Technology, which in turn has reaped greater research outputs and huge benefits. India has many research centres, which are well spread in the country.

Recently, DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) is now all set to launch a research centre in IIT Hyderabad for the calculated upcoming requirements for enhancing the future defence equipment and technology.

This Centre will basically target its research work for future technology in defence. They will work on an applied research program in identifying technology areas and also there will be an extension of DRDO’s research centre will be in Chennai.

This IIT Hyderabad’s DRDO Centre will do applied research in advanced technologies for the defence. This initiative was undersigned by the Director, Directorate of Futuristic Technology Management (DFTM), DRDO, K.K. Pathak, Director General, Missiles and Strategic Systems (MSS), DRDO M.S.R. Prasad and IITH Director Prof. B.S. Murty. This intensive research cell will definitely help in improving and enhancing the scientific and technological base of the country in the defense technology area.

SEE ALSO:- सुपर सोशल मीडिया ऐप – Elyments

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pubg launched anti-cheat measures

PUBG Launched Anti-Cheat Measures

PUBG is the mobile gaming app that has taken the world by storm. This app is installed and played by a huge number of people around the globe. It shows that only in medicine and engineering, science & technology even shows constant progress in the CGI and animation field. Recently, PUBG has launched Anti Cheat Features.

PUBG recently updated its existing version of the mobile app and came up with new and enhanced Anti-Cheat Measures. This is done for reducing the quantity of cheater and make the gameplay even fairer. The developers of this game state that the players were earlier able to take advantage of the Spectate Mode by using two devices at a time to pinpoint in-game enemy players and gain an unfair advantage over them. But now they won’t be able to do this thing again with modified new measures.

PUBG Mobile’s official team is totally dedicated to upbringing a fair gaming environment. This is strictly followed by punishing the players who disturb this environment. Through the player feedback, they have recently discovered a new cheat in which one-shot can kill players and then inverts their screen momentarily. The official team immediately went into action and tracked the players who have used this.

PUBG Mobile also uses the updated Spectating System and is aimed to resolve the use of cheating by manipulating the existing Spectate Mode and further improve upon the Spectate Mode to identify and eliminate the suspicious behaviours elsewhere in the game.

SEE ALSO:- सुपर सोशल मीडिया ऐप – Elyments

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When Loot Starts The Shoot Starts

“When Loot Starts, The Shoot Starts” Facebook Denied For Any Action Despite Of Employees Revolt

#BlackLivesMatter it had become a global campaign, not only in real life but a Word War had been started on Social Media too.

Now Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook is being pressurized by the every influential personality out there to take an action of US President Donald Trump post where he had written “When Loot Starts, The Shoot Starts” and again become a controversial star.

This is not the first time when Trump is in news due to the statement on the riots in America.

Before this Trump had tweeted some controversial on his Twitter but twitter had taken strict action and blocked the Like, Dislike, and Retweeted option. The same had been asked by Facebook. But the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had denied taking any action.

Everyone starts to criticize Mark for his decision, some of the employees started to leave the Company, some of the employees are tweeting, that “They do not want to take Job in Facebook as they Promote this.”

Criticizers had asked Mark to be fair with everyone as the President’s post violates Facebook’s policy as it initiates the Riot. But Mark is firm on his decision and had been all the odds even Facebook’s partner companies tolerating or against the Zuckerberg.

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