Startup, Digital Marketing

Hello, Harman Kaur

The First thing people notice

Harnaam Kaur is her beard—dark, glossy, and framed by a vivid turban and perfectly-exaggerated winged liner. But that’s not the most striking thing about this 29-year-old model, anti-bullying activist, and motivational speaker. No, what makes Harnaam truly extraordinary is her most compelling asset—a lion-heart, eating
inside the body of a compassionate, sensitive woman. Harnaam, a British woman of Indian descent, hit puberty at the age of 10, and was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) at 12, which caused her to develop thick facial hair. PCOS is a fairly common condition, a hormonal imbalance that causes weight gain, excessive hair growth, and irregular periods.
Harnaam waxed and shaved and bleached her hair several times a week, to a point where her skin would turn painfully raw, but the hair continued to spread. The schoolyard bullies taunted her, calling her “shemale” and “beast” and “sheman”; “they kicked me with footballs and stabbed me with pens”. Harnaam began skipping school and refused to go out, for fear of herself. Until Harnaam decided she was done. She would not allow her haters to win…and she would accept her body—and beard—just the way it was.
As Harnaam shares her story with me, over a Skype call, I want to reach out and hug her. Not just because of the bullying and shaming and violence and death
threats she has had to endure (the death threats continue, by the way)…but because she chose to rise above the ridicule and scorn, and has emerged as a passionate disrupter of mainstream beauty standards.
With every photograph Harnaam posts on social media, of herself living her best life—and looking amazing—she inches us a little forward, towards true diversity and body positivity. In a superficial world that venerates ‘perfection’, Harnaam challenges our perceptions and reminds us that uniqueness is to be celebrated.
Harnaam tells me she wants more women to learn about her arduous—but inspiring—journey towards self-love, so they can pluck out some courage for themselves from the supply that she has. This is her mission. And this is her story…

People will Always have opinions

Nandini Bhalla: Growing up, what was your idea of beauty?

Harnaam Kaur: “I don’t think I knew what it meant to be beautiful, but I knew that I was…not beautiful. When you grow up hearing things like, ‘Oh, she’s such a fat kid’, or ‘moti’ (fat), or ‘kaddu’ (pumpkin)… it can leave a deep impact on a young mind. I don’t think people understand how their words affect a person. Even if those things are said in a loving way, you know? So for me, being fat was always an issue. And then some parts of my body were darker than others, so I was also told to use fairness creams…like, you have to be white to be ‘right’. Now I embrace my body. But back then, my friends were all blonde and thin, with blue eyes and beautiful skin. And to see them being more popular than I was, it sent my brain a message that the way I looked was not acceptable. It’s hard because kids learn at a very young age that their body should look a certain way. And it’s heartbreaking. One of the things I love about my job is
that I am able to go to schools and portray a diverse image of what a body should or could or possibly might look like. That we are all different.”

NB: What happened when you decided to keep the beard…how did people around you react?

HK: “My family was worried about how the world would react towards me. They were worried that I may not be able to live my life happily and would have to face difficulties. And I did face many difficulties. I understand when children are unintentionally mean, it’s because they’re inquisitive and come from a place of innocence. But adults—they are the worst! The abuse that I get from adults, even am having to pay for being in the public eye. Someone who is South Asian, a Punjabi, a woman who’s gay and has a beard, wears a turban, and has tattoos and piercings… You know, I am everything people don’t want me to be. It’s the price I have to pay.”

NB: So many women struggle to find the courage to fight back and accept themselves in the face of bullying and trauma. How did you find your strength?

HK: “You have no idea what it took to get “I have to get used today, has taken me a very long time to get used to. It’s funny that I’m having to say this to
you…but the truth is that I have to get used to the abuse. Because this is my life, you know, and this is what I have to endure day in and day out. And it’s horrid, but that’s the price I here, and it still does! It’s not like you wake up one morning and say, ‘Right, I feel brave now!’. I keep telling people that I am suicidal like 80% of the year. The other 20% of the time, I’m barely surviving. It is a daily battle. And I don’t think bullies understand the impact their actions can have on someone’s abuse.” mental health. It’s horrible that they don’t care for another person’s well-being.
For me, my courage came from just me wanting to be me…like, I can’t be anyone else. I can’t be you, you can’t be me. And once I realised that it’s all about finding yourself, that gave me the freedom to be like, ‘Well, this is me now’. People can either understand that and join me on this journey, and we can all lift each other up, or they can hate from the sidelines. And if that’s the way that they want to be, I can’t help them.

I’ve got a large number of followers from India, and I feel things are harder there because there’s still a lot of progress to be made. Young girls in India are constantly tormented for the way they look, and there’s a lot of stigma surrounding dark skin. So many young women approach me about PCOS, you know, and they tell me how their family taunts them. It’s difficult! But I think the first thing you need to do is figure yourself out, and understand who you really are. Once you do that, other people will realise that as well. That first step towards being kinder and more understanding towards yourself is the hardest step that anyone can take. But it is liberating.”

NB: What can each one of us do to love ourselves a little more?
: “See, I don’t like saying ‘love yourself’ anymore. I feel the term has been commercialised, and a lot of people are using it as a marketing ploy to make money. But I keep telling people that the most important thing to do is be kind. Because

self-love is a journey, and it’s unfair for me to say to someone, ‘Just love yourself and your life will be fine!’. How can someone who has gone through over 10 years of abuse,
someone who has hated themselves every single day, suddenly wake up one day and say that they’re going to love

“The number of death threats I receive is disgusting”

themselves because Harnaam asked them to? There’s no such thing. It’s a journey. And I think that starts with kindness—you have to wake up and be kinder to yourself, whether you’re
going through depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem. Do simple things like waking up and taking a shower, you know… Spend time with yourself, do things that make you smile, meet your friends and surround
yourself with positive people. And once you take those steps, yeah, you might say to yourself one day: ‘You know what, I actually love who I am now!’. It’s because you’ve gone on that journey to
find who you are, and created a safe space for yourself with amazing people who are going to uplift you. You know who you are, you know what you are passionate about, and that’s how you will end up loving your life, and
ultimately loving yourself.

But it’s something that you have to do over and over again. And we need to be able to change our inner voice as well, because our minds are so powerful… I think sometimes, people forget that. If
you’re able to override the negative thoughts that other people have put in your head through their opinions, you’ll slowly be able to change your mindset and, eventually, who you are.

Like, someone called me fat, so I believed I was fat, right? Someone called me ugly, so I believed I was ugly. I saw a photograph of someone on Instagram and I thought, that’s who I
need to be like. The human mind is very powerful. It absorbs information, so we need to surround ourselves with things that will actually benefit us and add value to our lives. If that means
blocking someone or moving away from toxic people and family and friends, do it because your mental health and mental well-being is more important.”

NB: You mentioned that you still receive hurtful comments and death threats from online bullies…
HK: “I absolutely hate the toxicity we see on the Internet! If there’s one reason I want the Internet to shut down, it’s because of online bullying. The number
of death threats I receive, the amount of hate and bullying I have to face, especially from our own South Asian community, is disgusting. And, you know, the bigger the
Internet becomes, the more people think it’s okay to make fake profiles to troll people, especially those in the public eye. I’m able to deal with it because I’m 29
right now (I’ll be 30 soon), and I have dealt with this my entire life. And I am able to deal with it now because I am confident. But there are young girls who
are not so confident, and having to read horrible things about yourself online can have a detrimental effect on you. I just wish that social media platforms were
stricter when it comes to online bullying…”

NB: I know that you love experimenting with make-up. What is in your make-up bag, and what is your go-to look?
HK: “I have so much make-up and I truly enjoy experimenting with it. It’s not about changing who I am, it’s about accentuating my features…I think that’s a
very powerful thing. My go-to look is nude lids with a little bit of shimmer, and bold, black liner—sometimes, I’ll use a blue or purple liner, too, as I like a nice wing. I like to accentuate my eyes so people’s focus is on my eyes. Because it’s
a bit weird when I’m talking to someone and all they’re talking to is my beard! I’m just like, ‘My eyes are up here!’. And also, when you go out wearing a red lipstick, you feel empowered…you feel like a boss! But I prioritise skincare over make-up. Once you have a good base, your make-up will sit on your face a lot
better, a lot more nicely. So I like to look after my skin a lot more than wearing make-up.”

NB: Finally, how does it feel to be able to help women feel more empowered and fight back against archaic beauty standards?
HK: “Knowing that I am helping someone, even if it is just one person, is the biggest joy for me. The biggest happiness for me! And that’s why I’m able to travel wherever I want to and talk to young people. Because I want to help young people, regardless of who they are, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or colour. I just want to be able to help. And it brings me so much comfort when mothers approach me saying, ‘You know, my daughter was looking at your pictures and she thinks you’re beautiful’. And you know, ‘Are you the princess in The Greatest Showman?’ If you’ve seen that film, there’s a bearded lady in it. (Fun fact: the bearded lady in The Greatest Showman was based on me!) I will keep fighting. I will keep fighting for people who don’t have any fighting spirit left in
them, and I will keep speaking for people who don’t know how to use their voice. And I will keep helping people that need help. There’s so much pain in the world
right now, and we need people to bring about change. So that’s my driving force. That’s my biggest inspiration in life… actually going out there and helping
people and adding value to their lives. That’s what I want to do.”

Sharing is Caring :)
ARYA Scheme

Skimlinks SL Editor extension tool Review


SL Editor extension.

Skimlinks Editor Toolbar

The Skimlinks Editor Toolbar is the easy to use Chrome Extension that any publisher who is writing commerce content should have installed.

When a publisher is on the merchants website, they’ll instantly be able to see if they provide commision rates, what they are and easily be able to create an affiliate link directly from the toolbar.

Features of the Skimlinks Editor Toolbar:

Easily see the average commission rate the merchant has paid over the last 90 days
The ability to see the full conditions relating to commission rates without leaving the page
Whether the merchant provides exclusive or higher than average commission rates
Shorten links to share on social networks
If you manage multiple domains, the ability to select the domain you want to affiliate so that the relevant commision rates show

You need to have a Skimlinks account and be logged in for the Editor Toolbar to work. You can sign up for an account here

Verry good and useful tool (for sharing link and know if partnership)Was this review helpful?YesNo

It seems the skimlinks extension isnt working and when i try to log in, i get a notification saying that “An unexpected issue has happened. Please try again later or contact if the issue persists.” BummerWas this review helpful?YesNo

Love the new version and sleeker design, so easy to work out which merchants can make me money and understand rates instantly. Essential tool for making money from affiliate.Was this review helpful?YesNo

Love the update! So much easier to useWas this review helpful?YesNo

The new version is great, information on rates are super clear, and it is very easy to see which merchants offer interesting ratesWas this review helpful?YesNo

This tool only works for a very short amount of time before it no longer shows up! Pretty much a waste of time!Was this review helpful?YesNo

Skimlinks has been for the past few weeks now been overwriting affiliate codes with their own codes, thereby leaving affiliates to promote merchant products, yet never earning any money, since any commissions seem to be credited against Skimlinks own codes. They were made aware of this issue some time ago but have as yet failed to rectify this issue. They even managed to change WP user codes for Amazon affiliates to be changed to Skimlinks own codes after the website owner uninstalled their plugin.

There really needs to be a way to prevent the extension from randomly switching between sites without warning. My company uses multiple sites with Skimlinks, so it gets confusing & becomes a headache!Was this review helpful?YesNo

Sharing is Caring :)

5 Online Courses to Upgrade Your Skills (and Life)

What and how can you learn new skills during this time of isolation? As many professionals will tell you, having more time to yourself is a great opportunity to update your resume (or life) by taking a useful course (that might even translate into a fulltime career!). Here are some online classes and personality-based learning options I love…and you

The Ingenuity of Interior Design

If you’re a maximalist at heart, you’re going to love adding this course to your roster. There’s nothing else quite like Kelly Wearstler’s 17-part video
masterclass on interior design to get your creative juices flowing. The American decorator has created some of the most talked-about spaces and
celebrity residences, and her bold and experimental decor is a favourite with bonafide design enthusiasts. I have a serious love for great interiors
(come say hello @wabisabiinc), so I went through the entire series in a single sitting. It’s quite nice to watch a master in action and listen to her
tips and tricks on how to bring colour, light, patterns, and texture into your
personal space. However, it’s the class workbook that really has the gold, so
don’t forget to download that before you begin.
Course: Kelly Wearstler Teaches
Interior Design

Learn from Only the Very Best!

MasterClass is an online education platform that offers classes for students of all skill levels. What sets MasterClass apart, though, is the roster of famous faces that take on the role of instructors. From cooking classes with Gordon Ramsey to acting lessons with Natalie Portman, or even tennis lessons with Serena Williams—there’s something for everyone there! Cosmo tip: you’ll find that MasterClass has over 80+ classes and courses on offer, which could be overwhelming for those of us who can’t decide between an acting course by Natalie Portman and a photography lesson by Annie Leibovitz. Luckily, several people have taken ALL the courses, and have uploaded their reviews as blog posts. A quick Google search will give you the feedback you need.

Course: MasterClass Online

The Science of Happiness

This programme has become American, ivy league Yale University’s most viral class ever, after The New York Times wrote about how one in four students on the campus had enrolled in the class just days after registrations opened in January 2018. Judging by the mental health breakdown that has become every millennial’s existential angst over the past few years, the programme was designed to teach students how to lead a happier, more satisfying life. The course has become so popular that it is now available for free on Coursera for the general public. Taught by psychology and cognitive science professor Laurie Santos, the course focuses on positive psychology (characteristics that allow humans to
flourish) and behavioural change (how to live by those lessons in real
life), culminating in a lockdown, this is as good a time as any to turn to science for answers on how to be happy in difficult times.

Course: The Science of Well-Being
by Laurie Santos

Master Your Instagram

If you’re a content creator, business coach, entrepreneur, or just someone who is looking to up their Instagram game, you must check out Vanessa Lau. The young and influential social media expert hosts The Bossgram
Academy course once a year, which is expensive but super-popular. But
while you decide on that, check out tonnes of free resources on her Instagram and YouTube pages to help you up-level your social media game.
Her free #Bossgram blueprint is a great primer to get you started, but I
also recommend binge-watching her YouTube page for lots of free tips,
tricks, and truths on social media, marketing, and entrepreneurship. If
you like to learn, you’ll enjoy her easy, expressive style.
Course: The #Bossgram Blueprint

Expand Your Productivity and Organisation Skills

Amy Landino is a popular speaker, coach, and vlogger, and has been a video marketing consultant for a decade. She also runs a super-popular YouTube channel called AmyTV, where she discusses everything from how to be productive and more organised, to time management tips, motivation hacks, and even how to create videos for your personal brand or business. She is also the author of Good Morning, Good Life: 5 Simple Habits To Master Your Mornings And Upgrade Your Life, and also hosts a podcast. Her YouTube channel is a binge-worthy place to learn all day, every day, and it’s for free.
Course: AmyTV

Sharing is Caring :)

Sanity: An Insanejournal Extension Review



I created Sanity because—actually, let’s back up. This story actually starts with a different extension, and my growing frustration with being a web designer on a very outdated site. A little over a year ago I decided to pick through the site’s style and create a skin to mask everything, using Stylebot to execute it.

It was… okay. It was really just a day project for myself that I wound up letting a few friends have copies of. I even considered fine tuning it and selling it in my shop! But…

Surely I could do better, right…?

And that’s really where Sanity started. I’ve worked on this project for months to create a self-contained extension specifically for IJ, that not only updates the site’s CSS, but repairs and adds as many features as I can work in—with more to come!

If you’re like me, you feel at home using IJ. It’s familiar, and it’s comfortable; we feel at home because it is a home. But if you’re really like me, then you’re also getting tired of feeling like you’re stepping back in time when you use it, and you’re itching for more up to date features to be implemented so that we can have the same level of comfort and ease that we do on all of the other sites we use. Because why wouldn’t we want our home to be as functional as possible?

And that, my friends, is where Sanity would like to step in.


From an updated look to repaired and completely new site features, Sanity’s ultimate goal is to give users the things they need. It’s 2018, and the internet is a very different place than it was ten—or even five!—years ago. The evolution of the internet means sites need to evolve with it or get left in the dust.

Unfortunately (but understandably), a lot of the tools we love to use for our journaling sites have long since been abandoned, so I decided to create an extension with the hopes of breathing new life into Insanejournal, both in appearance and function. You can read more about what Sanity does on the Features page!

Whether you’re a roleplayer, a personal blogger, or you post fanfiction or resources, Sanity’s here to help make your experience better. Sanity doesn’t focus on one type of site user so much as all of us! While the majority of us are here to roleplay and/or create related resources for the hobby, all the tools I’ve integrated into the Sanity extension are here to fit any need!


I built the initial release of Sanity with the intention of expanding and adding more robust features as I learn and grow as a programmer—I won’t be setting and forgetting until I’ve done as much as I possibly can for our user experience on Insanejournal! I have big plans and high hopes for the future of this extension over the next year, and I’m excited to add more features! From an IJ-specific thread unfolder to an integrated login toggler and live notifications, Sanity will only get even better from here.

Holy carp, never has IJ looked so good. I can’t get over what a difference Sanity makes. I usually use Dreamwidth for all my journaling needs, because what they lack in icon space they make up for in aesthetics, but with Sanity installed, I’ve been using IJ more and more. It’s so crisp, so clean, and pleasing to use. I could never go back to a life without Sanity!Was this review helpful?YesNo

I absolutely love what this extension has done for the site. Having gone from Livejournal to Insanejournal one of the things I find so frustrating about the IJ is the looks exactly the way it did when I first signed up. Sanity gives it a fresh look, and I love the added features that resolve long-standing site issues. The overhaul of “My IJ” and the functioning character counter on comments? Love it so much. As someone who runs a game on the site, I will be promoting it for my user group and hope it overall enhances everyone’s time on IJ.

What do you do when you’re already supplying the cleanest, most user-friendly layouts and in-entry codes on IJ? Apparently you move on to making the site itself cleaner and more user-friendly! This extension gives me pretty much everything I’ve wished for from IJ over the years I’ve been using it, and some features that I didn’t even realize I needed (character counts!!!). Even better, it’s all for less than you’d pay for a single permanent account. And, with it being a Tessisamess product, you know you’re going to get the best support for it that it’s possible for a single person to give. If you use IJ extensively, you need this extension. Period. It’s going to change your life. I already don’t want to imagine going back to using IJ without it!

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WhatsApp Success Story

BMW 4 Series Breaks Free

The next-generation BMW 4 Series has broken cover and it packs a striking new design language, that strikes differently to some from the front and looks a lot sportier from the side while widening the rear profile. It’s designed to be sportier than ever and be a proper sports coupé from the outset with a focus squarely on delivering dynamic driving pleasure and a clear differentiation from the new 3 Series. In its previous generation, it was a proper two-door 3 Series with the “3” actually having four doors.

It replaced the 3 Series Coupé model. A four-door 4 Series Gran Coupé arrived later, but never mind… the new 4 Series Coupé has a sharper character with a specifically optimized structure and chassis technology to ensure maximum dynamic performance.

A bespoke package of bracing elements increases rigidity, while the centre of gravity is 21 millimetres lower and the rear-axle track 23 mm wider than the 3 Series’. The weight has been minimized and features a 50:50 weight distribution. BMW targeted optimized aerodynamics and lift reduction at the rear axle.

in terms of equipment, dampers with bespoke tuning are standard. Options? M Sport suspension with an even firmer set-up for dampers, mounts, and anti-roll bars, plus additional body struts and variable sport steering.

Further options include adaptive M suspension with electronically controlled dampers, M Sport brakes, and an M Sport differential with a fully variable locking rear differential.

inside, it is a driver-focused cockpit with a 10.25-inch Control Display or optional 12.3- inch cluster. A sports steering wheel and sports seats are standard.

Acoustic and thermal comfort are enhanced with a windscreen that uses acoustic glass and standard three-zone automatic climate control. The glass roof’s transparent surface is extended by 24 mm. There’s ambient lighting with Welcome Light Carpet, a Harman Kardon surround-sound system, and an optional BMW Display Key.

A slew of driver assistance systems are onboard, including collision warning with brake input, optional Driving assistant Professional, active navigation with cloudbased Maps, and a 70 per cent larger new BMW Head-Up Display. BMW Operating System 7 enables individual and personalised screens plus use of the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant.

BMW 48-volt mild-hybrid technology is now on all their four- and six-cylinder engines, sharpening response and optimizing efficiency.

The integrated startergenerator (iSg) assists the engines with an extra 8.0 kW or 11 hp. In addition, all diesel engines now have two-stage turbocharging. all variants of the new 4 have a standard eight-speed Steptronic automatic transmission, with the option of a Steptronic Sport transmission with new Sprint function that allows for instantaneous and dynamic acceleration manoeuvres.

The BMW xDrive intelligent all-wheel-drive system is available for two model variants from launch and will also be seen on four more variants from March 2021.

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Jal Pariyon Ka Rahasya

Are you looking for something in our DJ & VJ Equipment store

Hello Readers,
Are you looking for something in our DJ & VJ Equipment store? If so, you might be interested in these items. Are you a DJ looking for professional audio equipment for your events? Then you are at the right place. Amazon India is the one-stop shop for all your professional audio equipment needs. This online store offers a wide and new range of professional audio instruments from top and popular brands that meet your requirements. There is a good news for DJs and VJs out there! We also offer quality DJ and VJ equipment including mixers, controllers, CD players and headphones. There are also accessories available like bags and cases, DJ effects, drive belts, turntables, racks and cartridges and needles. You will also find speakers and monitors, lighting accessories, mixing decks, midi controllers, PA and stage equipment and microphones. We have the best DJ and VJ Equipment with fast delivery and lowest price from best brands like Audio-Technica, OneOdio, MAONO, YAMAHA, CLAW, Pioneer DJ, Numark, Denon DJ, AKG, JBL Professional, Behringer, Mackie and more.

DJ & VJ Equipment

Behringer BDJ 1000 High-Quality Professional DJ Headphones

Behringer BDJ 1000 High-Quality Professional DJ Headphones

  • High-quality and extremely-versatile professional DJ headphones
  • Rotatable, reversible and collapsible ear cups provide flexible and comfortable positioning, regardless of monitoring style
  • Over-ear circumaural design with ultra-soft ear cups and fully-adjustable, cushioned headband
  • Closed-back design ensures consistent listening environment with exceptional sound isolation
  • High power handling capability for distortion-free sound at maximum volume levels
    by Behringer
MRP: ₹ 3,283.00
Price: ₹ 2,297.00
You Save: ₹ 986.00 (30%)
Sold by Alphatec Audio Video Pvt. Ltd. and Fulfilled by Amazon.
Maono AU-MH501 Professional Studio Monitor Headphones, Over Ear with 50mm Driver for DJ, Studio and Microphone Recording

Maono AU-MH501 Professional Studio Monitor Headphones, Over…

  • 50mm driver for superior sound: 50mm large speaker unit driver for clear sound and supreme comfort, powerful bass, high resolution and crisp high tones make monitor headphones a perfect hi-fi sound
  • Excellent sound isolation: Circumaural and comfortable design contours around the ears for excellent sound isolation even in a loud environment
  • Ergonomic design to wear comfortably: Professional grade ear pad and strong while adjustable headband makes it longer durability and wear more comfortably. No pain after a long-time wearing
  • Collapsible and swivelling: Foldable and stretchable headband to fit your head and 180 degree swivelling ear cups for easy one-ear monitoring
  • Wide compatibility and multi-purpose: 3.5mm jack for pc, laptop, smartphone, tablet, iPad and includes 6.35mm adapter for mixer, phantom power etc. Besides monitoring, also perfect for gaming, music
  • Country of Origin: China


MRP: ₹ 2,999.00
Price: ₹ 2,249.00
You Save: ₹ 750.00 (25%)
Sold by Appario Retail Private Ltd and Fulfilled by Amazon.
AKG K52 Closed-Back Headphone (Black)

AKG K52 Closed-Back Headphone (Black)

  • Headphone type – closed-back
  • Max. Input Power – 200 mW
  • Audio frequency bandwidth – 18 to 20000 Hz
  • Sensitivity headphones – 110 dB SPL/V
  • Detachable cable – no
  • Country of Origin: China

by AKG

MRP: ₹ 5,401.00
Price: ₹ 2,199.00
You Save: ₹ 3,202.00 (59%)
Sold by Appario Retail Private Ltd and Fulfilled by Amazon.
Samson Technologies Stereo Headphones

Samson Technologies Stereo Headphones

MRP: ₹ 1,920.00
Price: ₹ 1,800.00
You Save: ₹ 120.00 (6%)
Sold by Panoply Digital and Fulfilled by Amazon.
CLAW SM50 Professional Studio Monitoring DJ Headphones with 2 detachable cables (2.8m Coiled Cable & 1.2m Straight Cable with Mic and In-line Controls)

CLAW SM50 Professional Studio Monitoring DJ Headphones with 2…

  • [Exceptional Clarity]: The 40mm drivers deliver vibrant bass, vivid mids and detailed highs offering perfect balance between each frequency.
  • [Multi-purpose headphones]: Use the 2.8m coiled cable at the studio or the 1.2m straight cable with microphone and in-line controls when on the go!
  • [Foldable design]: Our design offers easy portability along with a 90 degree ear cup swivel feature for one-ear monitoring.
  • [Over The Ear design]: Obtain maximum comfort with breathable protein leather earpads which enhance noise isolation and improves the overall wearing experience.
  • [What’s included]: CLAW SM50 Headphones, 2.8m Coiled Cable, 1.2m Straight Cable with Mic & In-line controls, Warranty card offering 12 months warranty.


MRP: ₹ 2,990.00
Price: ₹ 1,932.00
You Save: ₹ 1,058.00 (35%)
Sold by Appario Retail Private Ltd and Fulfilled by Amazon.
Behringer HC 200 Professional DJ Headphones

Behringer HC 200 Professional DJ Headphones

  • Extremely-versatile professional DJ headphones
  • 57 mm dynamic drivers provide wide frequency response (20 Hz – 20 kHz) delivering deep bass and dynamic range
  • Rotatable, reversible and collapsible ear cups provide flexible and comfortable positioning, regardless of monitoring style
  • Over-ear circumaural design with ultra-soft ear cups and fully-adjustable, cushioned headband
  • Closed-back design ensures consistent listening environment with exceptional sound isolation
  • For support and queries, please contact_us on: [ 02522672367 ]
  • Country of Origin: China

by Behringer

MRP: ₹ 2,843.00
Price: ₹ 2,339.00
You Save: ₹ 504.00 (18%)
Sold by Appario Retail Private Ltd and Fulfilled by Amazon.
Hercules DJ HDP DJ-M40.1 DJ Headphones

Hercules DJ HDP DJ-M40.1 DJ Headphones

  • 60 ohm drivers: low enough impedance for strong output volume on DJ gear, computers and mobile audio players
  • Efficient sound isolation: Large ear pads shield the user’s ears from ambient noise; Closed-back ear-cups prevent sound from bleeding out
  • 50 mm diameter drivers: Clear playback for strong bass response; 20Hz-20kHz: bandwidth covers all audible frequencies
  • Swivel housing for convenient use; Easy 1-ear monitoring; Easy folding and mobility; Extending arms for both large and sm
  • 95 dB at 1 mW sensitivity: strong output level lets you preview tracks in any environment
  • Country of Origin: China

by Hercules DJ

MRP: ₹ 4,999.00
Price: ₹ 3,974.00
You Save: ₹ 1,025.00 (21%)
Sold by Appario Retail Private Ltd and Fulfilled by Amazon.
Numark Mixtrack Pro 3 | All-in-One DJ Controller for Serato DJ with onboard Audio Interface, Serato DJ Intro and Prime Loops Remix tool kit

Numark Mixtrack Pro 3 | All-in-One DJ Controller for Serato DJ…

  • Ultra-Portable two-deck DJ Controller for Serato DJ Intro (Included) for Mac and PC with high-resolution 5-inch metal jog wheels.
  • Onboard pro-grade audio interface with 2 headphone outputs and main output for seamless connection to mixers and PA systems.
  • Two decks outfitted with a crossfader, dedicated browsing controls, individual filter controls, touch capacitive jog-wheels and independent transport controls – access to critical, must-have tools for seamless blending are right at your fingertips!
  • 16 multifunction backlit pads with multiple pad modes for total-control of cue-points, auto / manual looping and sample playback, plus 100mm pitch controls and a multifunction touch strip to add some flair to your performance.
  • Jumpstart your inspiration with 6 sample packs from Prime Loops including over 380 premium instrumental loops, drum kits, one-shots, and more.
  • Country of Origin: China

by Numark

MRP: ₹ 23,105.00
Price: ₹ 17,499.00
You Save: ₹ 5,606.00 (24%)
Sold by Appario Retail Private Ltd and Fulfilled by Amazon.
Numark HF150 Collapsible DJ Headphones (Multi-Coloured)

Numark HF150 Collapsible DJ Headphones (Multi-Coloured)

  • Foldable design
  • Closed-back design
  • Noise isolation
  • 40mm drivers
  • Full Range Sound: 20 Hz to 20 kHz

by Numark

MRP: ₹ 4,373.00
Price: ₹ 4,154.00
You Save: ₹ 219.00 (5%)
Sold by Bajaao and Fulfilled by Amazon.
Hercules Universal DJ| 2-Deck DJ Controller, Bluetooth, 16 Performance-Pads, Audio In/Out, full DJ Software DJUCED included, PC/Mac/iOS/Android

Hercules Universal DJ| 2-Deck DJ Controller, Bluetooth, 16…

  • Experience the party from the heart of the dance floor at any time Enjoy the freedom to move and groove with your party’s crowd In addition to your computer, you can also control your mix from your smartphone or tablet using built in Bluetooth and wireless
  • Be as creative as a pro DJ the deuced master applications my extender lets you unleash your creativity. With just one finger create loops and fx combos worthy of pro dj. A feature delivering truly professional effects that has never been so fun
  • Never seen before! Let the people at your party chime in, for a perfect party! Prepare your party by sharing your playlist with your guests through DJUCED 40 Degree, and ask them to vote for their favorite tracks
  • The DJUCED Master application allows you to view the votes in real time. Hone your playlists to please your guests! During the party, ask your guests to vote for their favorite tracks and customize your playlist according to their requests – live!
  • The highest-voted playlist is visible on your second device (tablet or smartphone), allowing you to track it in real time. View the tracks, artists or special messages submitted by your party’s guests. Customized playlists for unforgettable parties!
  • Country of Origin: China

by Hercules DJ

MRP: ₹ 27,999.00
Price: ₹ 12,999.00
You Save: ₹ 15,000.00 (54%)
Sold by Appario Retail Private Ltd and Fulfilled by Amazon.
Behringer BH 470

Behringer BH 470

  • Compact studio monitoring headphones
  • Exceptional sound quality combined with portability lets you enjoy your music on-the-go
  • Closed-back design ensures consistent listening environment with exceptional sound isolation
  • Compact foldable design with comfortable padded ear cups and adjustable headband
  • Optimized performance for use with a wide range of professional and consumer audio devices
  • For support and queries, please contact_us on: [ 02522672367 ]
  • Country of Origin: China

by Behringer

MRP: ₹ 4,629.00
Price: ₹ 3,055.00
You Save: ₹ 1,574.00 (34%)
Sold by Alphatec Audio Video Pvt. Ltd. and Fulfilled by Amazon.
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