Stand for yemen

#StandForYemen, Trending All Over The Global News

COVID-19, many are dealing with their own many big problems and one of these news are coming from Saudi-Arabian country ‘Yemen’.

Which is going through the worst ever, Country has been hitting from three directions, There’s Population is gaining sympathy and condolences from every corner of the world.

Yemen is dealing with the following three enemies:-

1. Cholera- Yemen malnutrited population has been hitting badly with this epidemic. Basically Cholera is a disease which cause Severe Diarrhoea, as Country’s water supply is highly toxic due to oil and all. Their population is badly hit by this.

2. CORONA Virus- The world is badly hit by the pandemic COVID-19 so Yemen, by due to lack of supplies and diversified herd-immunity, it has hit the Country more badly.

3. War- Country is in War situation between Saudi-Arabian Govt and Local Group of there Houthi Movement.

All these are severely hitting the Country at all extreme.

See more about Yemen Crisis click here

SEE ALSO- #BlackLivesMatter, A Global Campaign From Minneapolis America

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Tijjani Muhammad Bande

Tijjani Muhammad-Bande Introduced An Alliance For Poverty Eradication

United Nations is the world’s one of the prominent committees. In this hard pandemic time, President of the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly Tijjani Muhammad-Bande has introduced an alliance for poverty eradication.

Poverty is always been a major concern for every country and we all know this Covid19 have made thing worse for countries and the financial condition of the country are going down day by day and many companies and organization have chucked out their employees so the poverty rate is increasing.

The President of UN Assembly galvanize member and community to support this alliance 193 countries are part of united nation and India is also a founding member of this alliance will we see how this alliance help to develop the poor countries this alliance will try to give Education, Healthcare, Clean Water, Sanitation, Decent Housing, and Social Security.

SEE ALSO- #BlackLivesMatter, A Global Campaign From Minneapolis America

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Bilateral Trade Between India And Bangladesh

COVID19 is affecting everyone around the globe. It has thrived in our day-to-day life and has also minimized the usage of all the resources. This has also affected several country-to-country relations as well. Even in this pandemic outbreak, The Bilateral Trade between India and Bangladesh has emerged greatly.

Corona has greatly spread its roots and has greatly affected all sorts of businesses and also every mode of transportation. During the outburst, India and Bangladesh have recently made a very good deal together. There has been a record of running more than 100 freight trains in June. The Bilateral Trade between India and Bangladesh has been a success rate for the Indian railways as they have achieved 100% punctuality. Good work indeed!!

India and Bangladesh together made this interchange of freight trains which is a helping hand between these countries. The Bangladesh Railways has recently permitted the introduction of the Parcel Train Service between these two countries with a carrying capacity of 238 metric tons. They have agreed to facilitate Container Train Service through Benapole-Petrapole Rail Link. This will further help the Bilateral Trade between India and Bangladesh.

Moreover, the high commission of India requested the ministry of railway and board of revenue (Bangladesh) and board of commerce to look railway as a viable option in this pandemic. This step has proven to be a benchmark of uniting and improving the relations between India and Bangladesh. Also, this method proved to have served a fair unity even in the Pandemic Crisis.

SEE ALSO- Galwan Valley Witnessed A Clash Between India-China Armed Forces

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Ban Chinese Apps

Following the Trend to Ban China

Recently in India, there was a National Level announcement, which mandatorily made an impressive collective decision to display the unity of banning everything that is “Made In China”. After India, USA is also Following the Trend to Ban China and is urging its natives to ban Chinese mobile applications.

Just a couple of days back, it was a much-highlighted news trending over the globe that India has banned 59 Chinese apps!! It was a great conclusive step by the Indians. Now, USA is looking forward to banning Chinese apps. In an interview, the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo said, ”I don’t want to get out in front of the President (Donald Trump), but it’s something we’re looking at.”

As we all know, that Mr. Donald Trump is continually blaming China for the outburst of this pandemic. Also, he is equally blaming China for causing the damage done to USA and universally in all countries across the globe.

Pompeo had recently shown a massive appreciation towards India for banning Chinese apps. He also said that the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) head Mr. Ajit Pai is against the major two Chinese companies. The high commission of USA has also expressed a good concern for the security management of the users’ data as Tiktok secretively stores and handles all the data. The point is Tiktok is a video app owned by a Chinese company but it is not made available in China (sounds strange).

| Ban China |

SEE ALSO:- Real Life Rancho SONAM WANGCHUK Started A New Trend To Defeat China Without Arms; Goes Viral

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kanye west

अमेरिकी रैपर और किम कर्दाशियन के पति कान्ये वेस्ट लड़ना चाहते हैं राष्ट्रपति चुनाव

अमेरिकी रैपर और किम कर्दाशियन के पति कान्ये वेस्ट ने रविवार को एक ट्वीट करते हुए कहा कि- “हमें अब भगवान पर भरोसा कर अमेरिका के वादे को पूरा करना चाहिए| अपने विज़न को एक साथ लाना और अपने भविष्य के लिए काम करना चाहिए| इसलिए अब मैं अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति का चुनाव लड़ने जा रहा हूँ|”

दिलचस्प बात तो यह है कि कान्ये वेस्ट के इस ट्वीट पर जवाब देते हुए टेस्ला के सीईओ और टेक एक्सपर्ट एलन मस्क ने कहा कि- “आपको पूरा समर्थन है|” एलन मस्क इससे पहले भी डेमोक्रेटिक के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति उम्मीदवार ऐंड्रयू याँग का समर्थन कर चुके हैं|

कान्ये इससे पहले भी कह चुके हैं कि वे 2024 का चुनाव लड़ेंगे|

किम कर्दाशियन और उनके पति कान्ये वेस्ट, कैदियों की रिहाई के मामले समेत कई मौकों पर सरकार के अभियानों का हिस्सा रह चुके हैं

फिलहाल यह स्पष्ट नहीं है कि कान्ये ने चुनाव लड़ने के लिए फेडरल इलेक्शन कमीशन की जरुरी औपचारिकताओं को पूरा किया है कि नहीं|

ताजा खबरें:- सुपर सोशल मीडिया ऐप – Elyments

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iran on fire

Iran on Fire

According to the latest news outbreak, Iran is now badly affected as a fire broke out in Iran’s nuclear power facility caused huge damage. It is clear that this nuclear accident has put Iran on Fire.

The reason behind the fire is fully determined but surprisingly the spokesman of Natanz Enrichment Site gave no detail. The spokesman of the facility at least said this – “Because of security reasons we can’t tell you more details about the fire breakout, moreover this incident had not caused any causalities.”

However, Behrouz Kamalvandi (the other spokesman) said that the fire outbreak has badly burnt and destroyed all the equipment and the total machinery will be now replaced by the latest and more advanced machinery. It is also very necessary to look after all these changes because the Nuclear Power Facility in Iran is its key facility. The fire outrages have also impacted the centrifuge workshop and have also caused some cyber sabotage. This centrifuge workshop works on Uranium a chief source for the reactor fuel and nuclear weapons.

The incident could have slowed down the development and production of advanced centrifuges in the medium term… The Iran Government will now definitely replace the damaged buildings and other infrastructure with a bigger one that has the latest and more advanced equipment. This is absolutely not the first time that a fire has been broken out in an ancillary facility. Other fires and explosions have also occurred in the past week in Iran.

SEE ALSO:- #BlackLivesMatter, A Global Campaign From Minneapolis America

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